Patient Fight with Bad Breath

Know The Food Items That Help Fight Bad Breath

By Smile Studio Dental / June 3, 2022

Studies say that almost fifty percent of the world’s population suffers from the problem of bad breath or halitosis. If bacteria in your mouth from the food you eat isn’t removed, it can cause unpleasant odors. Some food items, such as garlic and onions contain odorous oils that are carried through the bloodstream. When you speak, the oils eventually reach your lungs, where you exhale them. Fortunately, some food items have the opposite impact and can help you get rid of foul breath.

As you undoubtedly already eat some of these items, using them to combat bad breath is simple. Choose some of your favorites from the list below for immediate relief.

Vegetables & Raw Fruits

Fibre’s abrasive force functions as a toothbrush and is excellent for keeping the mouth clean. When you consume crunchy fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber, such as celery, kale, apples, and carrots, your tongue produces more saliva. The fiber in these food items also aids in the prevention of bad breath by ensuring that food passes quickly through the intestine.
Fruits and vegetables high in fiber and vitamin C will help you fight bad breath more effectively. Vitamin C protects against gum disease by limiting the growth of bacteria in the mouth, as anyone familiar with pirates and scurvy knows.

Spices And Herbs

People chewed natural herbs and spices to disguise bad breath long before chewing gum became popular. Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine, invented a mouth rinse made of wine and herbs.
Any herb will do, such as parsley, spearmint, or rosemary. Garlic breath has been greatly decreased by rosmarinic acid, which is called rosemary. If you don’t like the thought of eating the leaves raw, try boiling them to make tea.


According to the International and American Associations for Dental Research, consuming three ounces of yogurt each day for six weeks reduced hydrogen sulfide by 80%. Hydrogen sulfide has a terrible odor that reminds me of rotting eggs.
Yogurt is a terrific item to have on hand since it can help you fight bad breath in a variety of ways.
Vitamin D, found in dairy products such as yogurt, inhibits the growth of bacteria in the body. Good bacteria in probiotic yogurt will also make your gut happy.


Although tea isn’t exactly food, its odor-fighting effects can’t be overlooked. Both green and black teas contain antibacterial antioxidants. Tea has polyphenols, which help to reduce the sulfur compounds that cause bad breath. Drinking too much black tea can cause a dry mouth, which can exacerbate odors. Drink a cup of tea between meals to keep your breath fresh and promote digestion.


Make sure you’re fully hydrated to keep your breath fresh. Food particles, bacteria, and other odor-causing cells are naturally washed away by water. Because bacteria thrive on leftover food in your mouth, merely rinsing after a meal can help combat bad breath. Drink at least two liters of water per day.

Sugarless Gum

Chewing gum is a tried-and-true way to disguise foul breath. Gum assists in the removal of trapped food and promote saliva production when chewed repeatedly. Excess saliva helps to keep the mouth clean by wiping away debris.
Keep in mind that not all gum is the same. Sugary gum can promote dental decay and increase foul breath, so choose a sugar-free option.


Ginger is used as a palette cleanser at restaurants for a reason. Ginger has a number of odor-fighting chemicals, the most active of which is 6-gingerol. 6-gingerol stimulates salivary enzymes that break down and neutralize odorous sulfur compounds.
Fresh ginger is preferable to processed ginger, but both are useful. It’s more than enough to chew on a half-inch slice.

Dark Chocolate

The key here, as with gum, is a low-sugar content. Since dark chocolate contains less sugar, it helps to minimize mouth bacteria and prevent plaque build-up. CBH has been shown to strengthen enamel and thereby reduce tooth decay. CBH is naturally present in cacao, although its concentration decreases as it is processed into chocolate.
Remember the anti-odor polyphenols found in tea? Dark chocolate contains a polyphenol called catechin, which helps to prevent garlic breath. If you find cacao powder too bitter, try adding it to smoothies or oatmeal.
Cacao powder, not cocoa powder, should be purchased. Because cocoa powder is roasted at a higher temperature and is frequently blended with sugar, it has fewer nutrients.


It may sound contradictory, but the pickle isn’t the one making an effort. Dill and vinegar are two antimicrobial compounds commonly found in pickle brine. As a side dish, try a few pickles or a short sip of the brine.

We hope that you now know the food items that can help deal with the problem of bad breath. Get in touch with the best Denver dentists if you have any further queries related to this topic.

In case these food items don’t help you resolve the issue of bad breath, visiting a dental office can be a wise choice.

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